Core, Push/Press Tess Ball Core, Push/Press Tess Ball


This is one of my favorite progressions as you work toward your first push-up. You’ll improve motor control, improve strength, and build confidence as you lower through the complete range of motion.

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Core, Push/Press, Turkish Get Up Tess Ball Core, Push/Press, Turkish Get Up Tess Ball

Bottoms-Up Turkish Get Up

One of the great things about kettlebells is that there's always a way to make a light bell feel heavier. Once you've gotten a regular Turkish get up nailed down, the bottoms up get up is a great way to maximize the equipment you already have, challenge the stability you've built in new and interesting ways, and it's great for improving grip strength and prepare you for greater challenges.

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Core, Push/Press, Turkish Get Up Tess Ball Core, Push/Press, Turkish Get Up Tess Ball

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

Turkish get ups with kettlebell (or dumbbell) are incredible for building full-body strength and stability. Don't go macho. Go lighter than you think you can, or have someone around to spot you. TGU's are great for building multidirectional shoulders, hips, knees and elbows. And also the perfect tool for dialing in core muscle awareness, balance, and coordination. Let's break it down step-by-step so you can safely move through this wonderfully complex exercise.

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Core, Turkish Get Up, Push/Press Tess Ball Core, Turkish Get Up, Push/Press Tess Ball

Turkish Getup With Block

Humans are three dimensional and of course move three-dimensionally. Turkish get ups are great for building multidirectional stability and strength in shoulders, hips, knees and elbows. And also the perfect tool for dialing in core muscle awareness, balance, and coordination. Practicing TGUs while balancing a block or other prop on your fist is a challenger any time you want to build skill, whether just starting out, or working through a sticking point, or sharpening your form when leveling up. Lets break down the TGU step-by-step.

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Core, Mobility, Push/Press Tess Ball Core, Mobility, Push/Press Tess Ball

Kettlebell Halo

If you sit at a desk or do anything repetitively that brings you into a hunch, try halos. For anyone who wants to gain smooth, easy movement in the shoulders and feel like a badass, these are for you. If you have any overhead restrictions, they can be a phenomenal way to ease into loaded overhead movement...just check with your PT first.

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Core, Push/Press Tess Ball Core, Push/Press Tess Ball


Obliques play an essential role in your ability to move through life, from getting up off the ground to walking to lifting heavy weights. Sit-throughs help access and build strength in the obliques, enhancing posture, spine stability and core awareness.

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Core, Push/Press Tess Ball Core, Push/Press Tess Ball

Plank Taps

Want to add a little more challenge to your core work? Being able to stabilize your spine is critical in protecting and supporting your low back, in life and in lifting heavy. By removing a hand or foot from your base of support, you're increasing the amount of stabilization required from all parts of your core. Resist the urge to wobble or rock, and focus on staying grounded and moving with control.

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Core, Push/Press Tess Ball Core, Push/Press Tess Ball

Side Plank

Being able to stabilize your spine is critical in protecting and supporting your low back, in life and in lifting heavy. Because bodies are all different, side planks aren't one-size-fits-all. This progression explores some of the lesser-known sides of your planks! You'll not just see benefits when you lift, but in everyday activities such as sitting, walking, running and carrying.

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